The History of Our Agency

Do you know how Raymond Nelson Insurance Agency first got our start?  Read about the history of our agency in our latest blog.
1971 – Door-to-Door Insurance

In 1971, Mr. Raymond Nelson was living in Hopkinsville, KY, selling life insurance door-to-door. His dedication and commitment to helping people protect their futures saw him build strong relationships within the community over the next decade. 

However, after ten years of hard work in this demanding role, Raymond sought a more effective and impactful way to assist his clients. Raymond envisioned a brick and mortar business where personal relationships and reliability formed the foundation of every interaction, marking a significant shift from the traditional door-to-door sales approach he had known. 

1981 – Brick & Mortar Building

This aspiration led to the founding of Raymond Nelson Insurance, Inc. in 1981. Driven by a passion for providing exceptional service, he established the agency with the core principle of always going above and beyond for clients. His dedication to this mission set a new standard in the insurance industry, while ensuring that Raymond Nelson Insurance would be a trusted partner for clients in their times of need.

Today – Licensed in 22 States

Initially focused on the trucking and transportation industry, we have since expanded both our regional footprint and our insurance offerings. From our beginnings in Hopkinsville, Kentucky, we now operate as a full-service agency licensed in over 22 states. We are proud to provide comprehensive coverage across the United States and Canada as well. Whether for personal or commercial insurance needs, we are always committed to securing the best protection for your business and loved ones.

Today we offer a comprehensive range of insurance solutions designed to meet the diverse needs of their clients. Our personal lines agents manage policies that cover home, auto, and other personal assets, ensuring individuals and families are well-protected. For businesses, our commercial agents provide tailored coverage options for various industries, safeguarding companies against potential risks. Our transportation agents offer policies that cater to the unique requirements of the logistics and transportation sectors. 

Additionally, we are proud to continue our founder’s legacy by providing life insurance policies, helping clients secure their loved ones’ financial future.

Over 100 Years of Combined Experience

With over 100 years of combined experience, our agents specialize in safeguarding businesses, homes, and families too. We offer a wide range of coverage options, leveraging our expertise to provide insurance solutions that are both affordable and thorough.

Personalized, compassionate service is our hallmark. We prioritize our clients’ needs above all, taking the time to understand and serve their best interests. We ensure they receive the coverage they truly need.

At Raymond Nelson Insurance, we go the extra mile to find the coverage that best protects what matters most: the business you’ve built and the people you love. We always take the time to get to know each client and serve their best interests as well. Call us today at (270) 885-1800 or contact us online for more information.

Does My Homeowners Insurance Cover My Yard?

Homeowners insurance typically covers the structure of your home, personal belongings, and liability, but is there insurance for your yard? Your policy may have limited coverage for landscaping. Basic policies usually cover landscaping only to a certain extent and it may be conditional to covered perils.

What does homeowners insurance cover?

  • Your yard may be covered depending on the type of damage that occurs. If the damage results from a peril such as fire, lightning, or theft, it will typically be covered.
  • Coverage may include damage caused by a vehicle that isn’t owned by a resident of the house.
    • Keep in mind that coverage may only help with the removal, not the replacement of the damaged landscaping.
Fallen trees
  • If a tree falls on your property due to a storm or strong winds and damages an insured structure, the removal costs will likely be covered.
    • However, if your tree falling was a result of the homeowner’s negligence or a maintenance-related issue, the removal costs likely won’t be covered.
Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
  • Trees, plants, and shrubs are typically covered by homeowners insurance. For other landscaping features, damages may be covered if they’re due to perils such as fire, explosions, lightning, theft, and vehicles.

If you have expensive landscaping or want more comprehensive coverage, then you may need to purchase additional coverage or a rider to your policy. 

If you have any additional questions about insurance for your yard, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to help ensure you have the information and protection you need throughout your remodeling journey.

At Raymond Nelson Insurance, we go the extra mile to find the coverage that best protects what matters most to you. We always take the time to get to know each client and also serve their best interests. Call us today at (270) 885-1800 or contact us online for more information.

Why & When You Should Review Your Coverage

It is critical to review your insurance coverage regularly to help ensure that your property, your possessions, and your loved ones are well protected.

Here are a few reasons why and how often you should review your insurance coverage:

Life Changes:
  • Significant life events such as marriage, divorce, the birth or adoption of a child, purchasing a home, changing jobs, or retirement can impact your insurance needs.
    • It’s crucial to review your coverage whenever these life changes occur to make necessary adjustments.
Policy Changes:
  • Insurance companies periodically update their policies, terms, and rates.
    • Reviewing your coverage allows you to stay informed about any changes that may affect your coverage or premiums.
Coverage Gaps: 
  • Over time, your insurance needs may evolve and you may find that your current coverage no longer adequately protects you against potential risks.
    • Regular reviews help identify any coverage gaps and ensure you have the appropriate level of protection.
New Risks:
  • With advancements in technology and changes in society, new risks may emerge that you weren’t previously aware of.
    • Reviewing your coverage allows you to assess whether you need additional coverage to protect against emerging risks.

As for how often you should review your insurance coverage, it’s generally recommended to do so at least once a year, However, certain life events may prompt the need for more frequent reviews. Check with your Raymond Nelson Insurance agent about when you should review yours.

By staying proactive and regularly assessing your insurance needs, you can ensure that you have the right coverage in place to protect yourself and your asset

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

At Raymond Nelson Insurance, we go the extra mile to find the coverage that best protects what matters most: the business you’ve built and the people you love. We always take the time to get to know each client and serve their best interests. Call us today at (270) 885-1800 or contact us online for more information.

Protect Your Property From Frozen Pipes

During these winter months, we want to bring to your attention the increased risk of frozen pipes in residential properties. Frozen pipes can lead to significant damage and result in costly repairs, which may only be covered if preventive measures are taken.

To ensure the safety of your property and the preservation of your coverage, we recommend the following precautions:

  • Adequately insulate exposed pipes, especially those in unheated areas such as basements, attics, and crawl spaces.
  • To learn more about insulation, click here.
Seal Gaps:
  • Identify and seal any gaps or cracks in walls, floors, and around windows and doors to prevent cold air from entering.
  • Maintain a consistent temperature in your home, especially during extreme cold spells. Set your thermostat to at least 55°F (12°C) when you are away.
  • Think about a programmable thermostat.
Drip Faucets:
  • Allow faucets to drip slightly to relieve pressure in the pipes and prevent freezing.
Open Cabinet Doors:
  • Keep cabinet doors under sinks open to allow warm air to circulate around pipes.
Leave Interior Doors Open:
  • Allow warm air to flow freely throughout your home by keeping interior doors open.
Exterior Faucets:
  • Disconnect and drain outdoor hoses and shut off exterior faucets if possible.

Taking these precautions can significantly reduce the risk of frozen pipes and potential water damage to your property. Please remember that your insurance policy may not cover damages resulting from neglecting these preventive measures.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

At Raymond Nelson Insurance, we go the extra mile to find the coverage that best protects what matters most: the business you’ve built and the people you love. We always take the time to get to know each client and serve their best interests. Call us today at (270) 885-1800 or contact us online for more information.

Car Theft is on the Rise, Especially on New Year’s Eve

Multiple reasons for increased car theft include strained financial resources, social media pressures, and the rising value of vehicles and vehicle parts. Catalytic converters are particularly popular because of the precious metals they are made of—platinum, palladium, or rhodium.

Preventing car theft involves a combination of awareness, precautionary measures, and security measures. Here are some tips to help you reduce the risk of car theft:

Lock Your Car 
  • Always lock your car doors and close your windows when you leave your vehicle, even if it’s just for a short time. Thieves often look for easy opportunities.
Park in a Well-lit Area
  • Park your car in well-lit areas, especially at night. Thieves are less likely to target vehicles in well-lit locations where their activities are more easily noticed.
Store Valuables Out of Sight
  • Avoid leaving valuable items in plain sight in your car. Thieves are more likely to break in if they see something of value inside.
Keep Spare Keys Secure
  • Don’t leave spare keys inside your car, and be cautious about who has access to your spare keys. Thieves sometimes look for spare keys in common hiding spots.


Remember that no method is foolproof, but combining these measures can significantly reduce the risk of car theft. Adapt your strategies based on your specific circumstances and location.

The Most Stolen Cars in the U.S. Is yours on the list?

Does Auto Insurance cover Car Theft?
  • Car theft may be covered under comprehensive coverage, which is sometimes called other-than-collision coverage. If coverage applies, then you would be responsible for paying the deductible. If you need clarification on whether your auto insurance policy covers theft, contact Raymond Nelson Insurance.

At Raymond Nelson Insurance, we go the extra mile to find the coverage that best protects what matters most: the business you’ve built and the people you love. We always take the time to get to know each client and serve their best interests. Call us today at (270) 885-1800 or contact us online for more information.

Holiday Insurance Travel

Travel insurance helps protect you when unexpected things happen before or during trips. Getting travel insurance for the holidays can be a wise decision for several reasons. While the specific coverage may vary depending on the policy and provider, here are some common reasons to consider purchasing travel insurance:

Trip Cancellation 
  • Travel plans can be disrupted due to unexpected events such as illness, injury, or death of a family member. Travel insurance can help cover the costs if you cancel or interrupt your trip.
Medical Emergencies
  • Medical expenses can be high if you fall ill or get injured during your holiday, especially in a foreign country. Travel insurance often includes coverage for emergency medical expenses, including hospital stays and evacuation.
Vehicle Issues
  • If you have an accident or other problem with a rental car while traveling, rental car coverage helps pay certain expenses. It’s important to note that this doesn’t include liability coverage, which pays for damage to other vehicles or medical treatment of others if you’re found responsible for an accident.
Travel Assistance Services
  • Many travel insurance policies offer 24/7 assistance services, providing support in emergencies, helping you find medical facilities, or assisting with travel arrangements.
Peace of Mind
  • Knowing that you have financial protection in unforeseen circumstances can give you peace of mind and allow you to enjoy your holiday without worrying about potential risks.
  • How much does it cost? This insurance typically costs 5-6% of your trip expenses. For a $5,000 trip, this averages around $228, with rates ranging from $154 for basic coverage to $437 for comprehensive protection. Learn more about the average cost of travel insurance.

At Raymond Nelson Insurance, we go the extra mile. We find the coverage that best protects what matters most – the business you’ve built and the people you love. We always take the time to get to know each client and serve their best interests. Call us today at (270) 885-1800 or contact us online for more information.

Don’t Become a House Fire Statistic!

Local US fire departments respond to over 1.3 million fires every year and cause over $16 Billion in damages. Everyone should be aware of several common house fire hazards and take precautions to prevent them.
Electrical Issues:
  • Overloaded electrical outlets or power strips.
  • Frayed or damaged electrical cords and wires.
  • Faulty wiring or outdated electrical systems.
  • Unattended cooking appliances.
  • Grease buildup on cooking surfaces or in the oven.
  • Flammable items left too close to heating sources.
  • Portable heaters placed too close to flammable materials.
  • Malfunctioning or poorly maintained furnaces, boilers, or space heaters.
  • Blocked or dirty chimneys and vents.
  • Leaving candles unattended.
  • Placing candles near flammable materials.
  • People may fall asleep using candles in bedrooms or other areas.
Faulty smoke alarms:
  • Failing to install or maintain smoke detectors.
  • Not testing smoke alarms regularly.
  • Check HERE for how often to check your smoke alarms.
Lint in dryer vents:
  • Failure to clean dryer vents regularly can lead to lint buildup and potential house fires.
  • Click HERE for data on home fires caused by clothes dryers and washing machines.
Keep Children and Pets Safe:
  • Children playing with matches or lighters.
  • Pets knocking over candles or other heat sources.

Practice fire safety measures, such as smoke detectors, having fire extinguishers on hand, practicing a fire escape plan, and being vigilant about potential fire hazards.

Check with your insurance company to ensure you have enough fire coverage for your home. Hopefully you will never experience a house fire, but Raymond Nelson Insurance wants you to be prepared for any potential hazards. 

At Raymond Nelson Insurance, we go the extra mile to find the coverage that best protects what matters most, the business you’ve built and the people you love. We always take the time to get to know each client and serve their best interests. Call us today at (270) 885-1800 or contact us online for more information.

Back To School Safety Tips

We want to remind you to be extra cautious when driving near schools. Here are a few school safety tips to ensure the safety of our kids:  

1. Slow down and remain alert
  • There’s going to be a lot more kids on the sidewalks and streets when school starts, so take it slow and always be aware of your surroundings.
  • Leave yourself extra time to make it to your destination.
  • Be especially careful in school parking lots and loading zones.
2. Obey posted speed limits
3. Remember to follow school-bus rules
  • Do not pass the bus on either side of the road when red lights are flashing.
  • Even after lights stop, make sure the coast is clear before moving on.
  • Kids move quickly and erratically.
  • 2 or 3 Lane Road: Remember, when you encounter a school bus with its stop arm out and red lights flashing, it is crucial to come to a complete stop, regardless of your lane or direction on a two to three-lane road, including the turning lane.
  • 4+ Lane Road: If you find yourself on a highway or road with a median or more than four lanes, you are not required to stop for a bus traveling in the opposite direction.
4. Avoid using your cell phone while driving
  • It’s not only illegal to drive while using your cell phone, it can distract you.
  • When stopping at a crosswalk, give kids a visual signal you’ve seen them: smile, wave, or give a thumbs-up!
Parents – Teach kids to be safe while walking:
  • Always use marked crosswalks and look both ways.
  • Try to make contact with drivers to make sure they see you.
  • Never move into the street from behind a car or other obstacle.
  • If there is not sidewalk or path, walk facing traffic and as far to the left as possible.
  • Never let young children cross the street alone.

Safety is our top priority, so let’s all stay informed and ensure the safety of our students and community during this school season.

At Raymond Nelson Insurance, we go the extra mile to find the coverage that best protects what matters most, the business you’ve built and the people you love. We always take the time to get to know each client and serve their best interests. Call us today at (270) 885-1800 or contact us online for more information.

Does a Speeding Ticket Affect Your Car Insurance?

Auto insurance rates are predicated on the fact that someone is going to file a claim because of an accident. Rates are adjusted to your driving record and a speeding ticket can have an impact on your rates since speeding would be more likely to cause an accident.

Insurance agencies will check your motor vehicle record (MVR) which would include any driving infractions including speeding and adjust your rates accordingly.

If you’ve gotten a speeding ticket recently, you’ll likely pay more for car insurance. 
  • How much you’ll pay can vary based on your driving history, location, and other factors.
  • Compared rates across the country for a hypothetical 35-year-old driver ticketed for going 16 mph over the speed limit, your car insurance typically goes up about 25% after the speeding ticket.
  • On average, a driver convicted of speeding will pay $2,043 a year – $413 more than a driver with a clean record.


Minimum vs. full coverage after a speeding ticket

If  your insurance goes up after getting a ticket, you might consider going with minimum coverage rather than full coverage.

  • Average rate for full coverage is $2,043
  • Average rate for minimum coverage is $710.

BUT think carefully about this option since minimum coverage won’t have comprehensive and collision coverage.


How long does a ticket affect your insurance?
  • Your MVR might keep a permanent record of your ticket.
  • Many insurance companies only look back three to five years for minor violations, including speeding tickets.


At Raymond Nelson Insurance, we go the extra mile to find the coverage that best fits our clients. We always take the time to get to know each client and serve their best interests. Call us today at (270) 885-1800 or contact us online for more information.

Are You Covered for Water Backup Damage?

Spring storms can cause unexpected water damage to your home. Here’s why you should consider adding water backup coverage to your homeowners policy.

Most homeowners don’t think about water backup coverage when getting home insurance, but water backup can cause extensive damage to your home. 

Why you need it:
  • It’s not included in a standard homeowners insurance policy.
    • If you don’t have water backup coverage for your home, condo, or even your renters insurance policy, then you could be stuck paying for cleanup or damages caused by a sump pump or similar equipment that is not considered a plumbing system.


  • Everyone has the potential to need this type of coverage.
    • Even if you have flood insurance, it’s a different policy.


  • It can cover you for loss of use if your home is uninhabitable.
    • In most cases of a sump pump failure, you may have to leave the residence while clean happens.
    • Or if your furnace is damaged due to water backup and it’s 30º outside and you can’t heat your home.
    • Loss of use coverage covers living expenses above and beyond a person’s normal living expenses.
    • It can cover your hotel room while your claim adjuster approves your claim.
How to prevent water backup:
    • Don’t pour oil or grease down your drains.


    • Watch what you flush down your toilets (no paper towels or feminine products).


    • Consider using plastic pipes to prevent tree roots from entering them.


    • Check your sump pump regularly.


    • Install a backwater prevention valve to prevent sewer backups.


    • Buy a battery backup to keep your sump pump running when the power goes out.

At Raymond Nelson Insurance, we go the extra mile to find the coverage that best protects what matters most, the business you’ve built and the people you love. We always take the time to get to know each client and serve their best interests. Call us today at (270) 885-1800 or contact us online for more information.