How Does Having a Pool Affect Your Homeowner’s Insurance?

A pool can add value to your home, but it can also add some insurance complications. Here are several ways that can significantly affect your homeowner’s insurance.
Increased Liability Coverage
  • Higher Risk:
    • Pools are considered an attractive nuisance, meaning they can attract children and increase the risk of accidents.
  • Higher Liability Limits:
    • Insurers may require higher liability coverage.
Increased Premiums
  • Higher Costs:
    • The increased risk associated with owning a pool generally leads to high premiums.
  • Maintenance and safety features:
    • Pools with safety features like fences, covers, and alarms might mitigate premium increases.
Property Coverage
  • Increased property value:
    • A pool can increase the home’s value, which might lead to higher property coverage limits.
  • Repair and replacement:
    • Coverage for damage to the pool itself (due to natural disasters, vandalism, etc.) may be limited or require additional endorsements.
Safety Requirements
  • Inspections:
    • Insurers might require safety inspections to ensure compliance with local regulations and safety standards.
  • Safety features:
    • Requirements may include fencing, pool covers, and lockable gates to reduce the risk of accidents.
Tips for Keeping Your Pool Safe:
  • Erect a locking fence around your pool.
  • Mount lights by your pool to keep the area well-lit at night.
  • Install one or more security cameras that let you monitor activity around the pool.
  • Avoid installing diving boards, slides, and other accessories that people may injure themselves on.
  • Keep the pool deck clean, dry, and free of any glass that might break and get in the pool.
  • Make sure that anytime the pool is being used there’s an adult present who is trained to perform CPR.

Homeowners need to discuss their specific situation with their insurance provider to understand how a pool will impact their coverage and premiums.

At Raymond Nelson Insurance, we go the extra mile to find the coverage that best protects what matters most: the business you’ve built and the people you love. We always take the time to get to know each client and serve their best interests. Call us today at (270) 885-1800 or contact us online for more information.

Are You Covered for Water Backup Damage?

Spring storms can cause unexpected water damage to your home. Here’s why you should consider adding water backup coverage to your homeowners policy.

Most homeowners don’t think about water backup coverage when getting home insurance, but water backup can cause extensive damage to your home. 

Why you need it:
  • It’s not included in a standard homeowners insurance policy.
    • If you don’t have water backup coverage for your home, condo, or even your renters insurance policy, then you could be stuck paying for cleanup or damages caused by a sump pump or similar equipment that is not considered a plumbing system.


  • Everyone has the potential to need this type of coverage.
    • Even if you have flood insurance, it’s a different policy.


  • It can cover you for loss of use if your home is uninhabitable.
    • In most cases of a sump pump failure, you may have to leave the residence while clean happens.
    • Or if your furnace is damaged due to water backup and it’s 30º outside and you can’t heat your home.
    • Loss of use coverage covers living expenses above and beyond a person’s normal living expenses.
    • It can cover your hotel room while your claim adjuster approves your claim.
How to prevent water backup:
    • Don’t pour oil or grease down your drains.


    • Watch what you flush down your toilets (no paper towels or feminine products).


    • Consider using plastic pipes to prevent tree roots from entering them.


    • Check your sump pump regularly.


    • Install a backwater prevention valve to prevent sewer backups.


    • Buy a battery backup to keep your sump pump running when the power goes out.

At Raymond Nelson Insurance, we go the extra mile to find the coverage that best protects what matters most, the business you’ve built and the people you love. We always take the time to get to know each client and serve their best interests. Call us today at (270) 885-1800 or contact us online for more information.

Life Insurance Through Your Employer…Is It Enough?

Having life insurance is a wise decision and having it through your employer is a great benefit, but are you getting enough coverage for your family? Raymond Nelson Insurance has some answers.
Is it enough?
  • Research shows that one of every three families would be in financial hardship in less than a month if they lost a primary wage earner.
  • That amount increases to 70% within six months.
  • You need enough life insurance to replace your paycheck for as long as needed.
    • For example – until your children leave home or your mortgage is paid off.
    • To see how much insurance you’ll need, use this calculator.


What if you lose your job?
  • Group life insurance is an employee benefit that ends when your employment ends.
  • If going to a new job, you might not be able to get group insurance right away, or maybe not at all if it’s not offered.


No extra benefits
  • Group coverage may be affordable but it’s also pretty basic.
  • Unlike group insurance, getting your own life insurance can get you more benefits like:
    • Life insurance that lasts a lifetime.
    • The ability to get part of the death benefit early in cases such as terminal illness diagnosis.
    • And another feature can extend coverage to other members of your family.
    • Find out about Term Life vs Whole Life insurance HERE.


For these reasons, you might want to consider your employee group benefit as a supplement to your own individual policy.You can tailor your insurance policy to suit your life and customize it to meet your needs.

Speak with your Raymond Nelson Insurance agent to ensure you have the proper coverage for all your insurance needs.

At Raymond Nelson Insurance, we go the extra mile to find the coverage that best protects what matters most, the business you’ve built and the people you love. We always take the time to get to know each client and serve their best interests. Call us today at (270) 885-1800 or contact us online for more information.